Toni-Lee Sangastiano

Toni-Lee Sangastiano

Toni-Lee Sangastiano is a contemporary painter whose work examines the carnivalesque. Her interest in this theme began as a child on the boardwalks of the Jersey shore, later fostered at Fairleigh Dickinson University by Professor Marie Roberts and Artistic Director Dick Zigun of Coney Island’s Sideshows by the Seashore. Toni-Lee is now one of the leading sideshow banner painters in the United States.

Her paintings, mixed media and installations include exhibitions at the Yale School of Art, Robert Hull Fleming Museum, Shelburne Museum, Tate Modern, London and most recently, the Coney Island Brewery at MCU Park in Brooklyn.

Toni-Lee earned an MFA in studio art at Montclair State University and lived in Vermont for fifteen years, where she became a Professor of Graphic Design. She also studied classical drawing and painting at the Angel Academy of Art in Florence, Italy with Michael John Angel and Martinho Correria, and she most recently earned a Ph.D. in Visual Arts: Philosophy, Aesthetics and Art Theory, from the Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts. She is a gifted educator who has also hosted small group workshops and private lessons.

She currently lives in Virginia with her spouse and is a Digital Media Specialist and Assistant Professor of the Practice at Georgetown University.

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