Iranian-American Community Center-Pars Place

Iranian-American Community Center-Pars Place

The Washington, D.C. metropolitan area is home to an estimated 85,000 vibrant Iranian-Americans, who form a community spanning many generations, ethnic groups, and religions.

The Iranian-American Community Center (IACC) is a registered, non-profit organization with a 501 (c)(3) designation from the IRS. IACC’s vision is to share and preserve the Iranian culture in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area through the creation of a community and a center that serves as a hub for educational activities, cultural events, and community services.

We host a variety of events. You can find everything from music concerts and classes, art galleries, and poetry events, to monthly community dinners, events for young professionals and children, and wellness talks.

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Connect with Iranian-American Community Center: Facebook, Instagram