Public Art Locator

Identify and Map Public Art in Fairfax County
ArtsFairfax invites you to discover and explore public art across the county and help identify public art in Fairfax through this new interactive app.
Free and easy to use, the Public Art Locator empowers County residents to share what they see as public art in their community.
A public art inventory is an essential aspect of cultural planning for Fairfax County.
ArtsFairfax worked closely with Fairfax County Department of Information Technology’s GIS & Mapping Services Division to leverage Fairfax County aerial imagery and other data to put the power of arts engagement in the hands of every resident.
By crowd-sourcing public art in our community, we can better measure how public art and creative placemaking drives public engagement and transforms a space into a place.
More importantly, a public art inventory helps us identify where there are gaps and will be a critical planning tool for future projects.
The Public Art Locator is the first of its kind in the County.
Features include:
- User ability to upload images and provide written descriptions
- Automated geographic information to crowdsourced public art pieces
- Ability to filter by category, jurisdiction, Supervisor District, and/or Revitalization District
How to Use the ArtsFairfax Public Art Locator
Users who discover a work of public art can upload images, provide written descriptions, or identify other defining characteristics through the app’s pre-loaded options. When using the application on your computer, you can filter the artwork by category, jurisdiction, Supervisor District, and/or Revitalization District.
Here, Chip Galloway, app designer and GIS analyst, explains how to use the application.
The Public Art Locator is moderated by ArtsFairfax staff to verify tagged art, fact check, and maintain a digital environment that is appropriate and enjoyable for all ages.
Public art is defined as art in public places visible and accessible by the general community, such as sculpture, murals, and installations enhancing public spaces including but not limited to public furniture, walls, street and bridge enhancements, earthworks, light-based or multimedia works, and other pathfinding, interactive, or participatory installations.