Rayan F. Afif is a roller-skater-in-training, with dreams/aspirations/nightmares/pasts/etc rolling alongside the Mediterranean Sea in their family’s homes in Masr wa Lubnan. The skates carry Rayan through sand and mountain via words, art, and (most gratefully) taxis. (don’t be fooled: they have not yet mastered a declining hill… or those inconveniently placed pebbles.) Their words have journeyed into KAIROS Literary Magazine (Vol. 7), where they were the runner-up for the Editors’ Prize in Poetry, onto the stage of Statesmen Theatre (Shards of Our Heart, February 2023), online script database of Princeton University’s Lewis Center for the Arts (1, 2, 3, First Prize for the 2022 10-Minute Play Contest), the fellowship space of Strathmore and Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company (WHEN YOU ARE HOME, Art & Social Justice Fellowship, July 2023), and the extended-family WhatsApp group (where this bio will probably end up too– sho akhbarak Uncle Diko?!). EDUCATION: Emerson College, Interdisciplinary Studies (Social Change through Multidisciplinary Art) BA ’26. IG@rayanfafif
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Rayan F. Afif